Varnish is a web app accelerator tool, which has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, because it can increase the load speed of any site, at times even by 100%, based on the content. This tool is sometimes called a caching HTTP reverse proxy as well and is used to decrease the overall server load and to increase the browsing speed for the site visitors. Every time a visitor accesses a page on a specific website, the browser request is processed by the web server and the requested content is returned as a response. If the Varnish accelerator is activated, it caches the pages that the website visitor browses and in case any of them is loaded for a second time, it’s fetched by Varnish and not by the server directly. The performance boost comes from the fact that the accelerator processes the browser requests considerably faster than any web server, which leads to much faster browsing speeds for the website visitors. If any content is edited in the meantime, the cached pages will also be ‘refreshed’ the next time somebody attempts to access them.

Varnish in Shared Hosting

Varnish comes as an optional upgrade with each of our shared services. You can add it to your account via the Hepsia Control Panel, which is offered with all shared web hosting packages and you’ll get a pretty user-friendly interface, which will grant you full control over the content caching system. Using 1-click fast-access buttons, you can restart or deactivate any of the instances, i.e. Varnish will no longer work for a specific Internet site. You can also see a comprehensive system log or delete the cache for any of the Internet sites. When you add Varnish to your hosting plan, you’ll be able to choose the total amount of system memory that will be available to you for caching purposes and the number of the websites that will use Varnish. You can always get more memory in increments of 32 MB and, for optimum performance, you can allocate a dedicated IP to the sites that will use Varnish. This will permit you to take full advantage of your Internet sites and to have many gratified users.

Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Varnish is a feature, which comes by default with all Linux semi-dedicated services that we offer and you can use it for load distribution purposes. It’s available in your Hepsia Control Panel. The data caching platform comes with 64 megabytes of system memory for cached data storing purposes and you can employ it with any Internet site that you host in the semi-dedicated server account. If you’re in need of more, you can increase the system memory allocation. The memory itself is available in increments of 32 MB in the Upgrades section of the Control Panel. The very same Upgrades section will enable you to add more instances as well, in case you would like to use the Varnish platform with multiple websites. The two upgrades can be added independently – you can cache the content of one single regularly visited site or run a number of Internet sites with the default memory allocation. You can get the most out of the Varnish platform if you’ve got a dedicated IP and you can order one with your semi-dedicated plan as well. The Hepsia Control Panel will give you total control over the caching platform and, with no more than one mouse click, you’ll be able to delete the cache, to see a system log file or to restart an instance.

Varnish in VPS Hosting

The Varnish caching platform is included by default with all Linux VPS hosting services that we are offering as long as the VPS is ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so you can enhance the overall performance of your sites with only a few mouse clicks. The more powerful the plan, the more memory will be available to Varnish, but even with a less powerful plan, the caching platform will be able to utilize several hundred megabytes, so even if you own several different Internet sites, you will notice a considerable reduction in the server load and a substantially faster webpage loading speed. The platform will need to work for a little while as the visitors navigate the pages and as soon as the content has been cached, you’ll observe the result. One of the pluses of employing Varnish is that a less powerful and less pricey package will accomplish the exact same job as a more costly one without the platform, so not only will your websites work better, but you will also spare a certain amount of cash.

Varnish in Dedicated Web Hosting

When you need a more powerful website hosting solution and you buy any of the Linux dedicated hosting services offered by our company, you can use the Varnish content caching platform to improve the work of your websites at no additional fee as long as the dedicated machine is ordered with our next-generation Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Its easy-to-use graphical interface will permit you to keep track of system processes, to delete the cache or to restart any instance with one single mouse click. The minimum amount of system memory that the Varnish caching platform can use to cache website content is 3 gigabytes, which is quite enough for a large collection of repeatedly visited websites, so your server will be able to handle a tremendous system load while your Internet site visitors are having a smooth web browsing experience. As your dedicated machine will include several different dedicated IP addresses, you will be able to use Varnish’s maximum potential.