Subdomains in Shared Hosting
Using our shared hosting packages you are going to be able to create subdomains with just a few mouse clicks in your hosting CP. All of them are going to be listed in one place along with the domains hosted in the account and arranged under their own domain in order to make their management much easier. No matter the plan that you choose, you are going to be able to create many subdomains and set their access folder or set up custom error pages along the way. Additionally, you will have access to lots of functions for any of them with just a mouse click, so from the same section where you create them you can access their DNS records, files, visitor statistics, etc. Unlike other companies, we haven't restricted the number of subdomains that you can have even if you host only one domain in the account.
Subdomains in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Using our semi-dedicated server plans, you will be able to create an unrestricted number of subdomains for any of the domains that you add as hosted in the account. It takes a couple of clicks to create a new subdomain and throughout the process you are going to be able to add tailor-made error pages for it, decide if it will use a shared or a dedicated IP address, change the default folder that it will access or activate FrontPage Extensions. All subdomains you've got in the account will be grouped under their root domain in alphabetical order and you will be able to see and manage all of them with ease. Via fast access buttons and right-click menus you will also be able to jump to the site files inside the File Manager area or check logs, visitor statistics and other info about any of your subdomains.