If you decide to start a hosting reseller business, you can consider reselling domains as well. The two services will make your new company more appealing to clients, as they will be able to get everything they need for their websites from a single place. In this way, you will be able to target a lot more people and the total number of your prospective customers will grow. A lot of website hosting reseller back-end solutions come with the option to connect to a registrar company using the API of the latter, so the registration process can be automated. Having your individual domain name reseller account provides you with more control and will enable you to supply more efficient and quicker support to your clients. Furthermore, the price which you will pay for a new domain name is lower compared to what you would have to pay being an end customer. A deposit is often required for a new domain reseller account.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in VPS Hosting

When you acquire one of our Linux VPS hosting services and pick the cPanel web hosting Control Panel, you will be able to start your very own web hosting company in no time. We'll also give you a number of free gifts that will help you do that and one of them is a domain name reseller account with eNom. This is one of the most well-known ICANN-accredited businesses these days and they support tens of generic and country-code TLD name extensions, so that you will find potential clients from all around the world. Since the reseller account will be under our account, you won't be required to deposit anything and the discount that you will receive for your domain name registrations will be significantly higher as compared to the one that you'll get if you register directly. You will not need to pay for the eNom account which we will start for you and you will be able to use it for as long as you will need. The reseller account can be connected to the ClientExec billing and support solution which we will give you 100 % free with your VPS.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Web Hosting

Every single dedicated server that is purchased with cPanel includes a few freebies and one of these is a domain reseller account with eNom, one of the largest providers on the market. They provide over a 100 generic and country-code extensions, that shall make it easier for you to find clients from all over the world and to offer them internet hosting solutions and domain names in one place. We will set up your account under our own account and this provides two advantages - you shall not have to pay any deposits at any time and the prices which you'll see and pay shall be the lowest, because we're using eNom's top reseller package. As they're amongst the largest providers, there're plug-ins for almost every billing solution available, so you can use WHMCS, ClientExec or any other app to charge your customers.